REBT Scale for Adolescents

REBT Scale for Adolescents for Researchers and Practitioners

Rational Emotive Self Determination Scale – Adolescents (RESD-A), to integrate two prominent theories and offer a new perspective on adolescent behavior: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Self-Determination Theory.

The scale consistent with the theoretical model of ABC of Rational Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes indicate that the scale has a three-factor structure (see below). The reliability analysis shows that the internal consistency values ​​of the scale ranged between .76 and .88. The reliability coefficients based on the test-retest method were found to be .88 for the dimension of irrational beliefs of autonomy .77 for the dimension of irrational beliefs of relatedness, and .91 for the dimension of irrational beliefs of competence. These results showed that the test-retest reliability of the RESD-A was high and the scale was able to perform stable measurements. In the external criterion validity study, the correlations of the RESD-A with the following scales was examined: Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory (RAASI), The Profile of Affective Distress (PAD), The Basic Psychological Needs Support (BPNS). The results showed that the RESD-A had a range of weak to medium relationship with these three scales.

Turkish Citation:

Artiran, M. (2015). Rasyonel (Akılcı) Duygucu Davranışçı Kuram Ve Öz-Belirlenim Kuramı Çerçevesinde Yeni Bir Ölçek: Akılcı-Duygucu Öz-Belirlenim (ADÖB) Ölçeği’nin Geliştirilmesi – Doktora Tezi. İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi. Yayınlandı.

In English:

Artiran, M. (2015). Title: A New Scale Based On Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy And Self-Determination Theory: Development Of Rational Emotive Self Determination Scale (RESD). Istanbul Arel University. Doctorate Thesis

2nd Citation:

Artiran, M. (2015). Title: A New Scale Based On Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy And Self-Determination Theory: Development Of Rational Emotive Self Determination Scale (RESD). ICCP 2017, The 9th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy Congress. 29th of June – 1st of July 2017 Cluj-Napoca,Transylvania, Romania.


The RESD- Adolescents Scale download

RESD-A English


AIB: Autonomy irrational beliefs (1., 2. and 3. Scenarios), and for RIB: Relatedness irrational beliefs (4., 5., 6. Scenarios)


  • 18-36 point range can be evaluated a very low score. Therefore it may be appropriate to refer the individual to psychological counseling.
  • The range of 37-72 points can be interpreted as ‘normal
  • The range of 73-90 can be interprated as abnormal. Therefore the individual is needed to see a psychological counselor.


CIB: Competence irrational beliefs (7., 8. and 9. Scenarios)

  • 15-30 point range can be evaluated a very low score. Therefore it may be appropriate to refer the individual to psychological counseling.
  • The range of 31-45 points can be interpreted as ‘normal’.
  • The range of 46-60 can be interprated as abnormal. Therefore the individual is needed to see a psychological counselor.


For whole scale the highest score can be 51 x 5 = 255, and as the lowest score can be 51.


The answers of the statement of ‘I was able to animate the activation event/situation realistically in my mind’ can be used for individual cases by counselor to interpret the accuracy of answers.

RESD-A scale of Adolescents

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