Psychological Counseling for English Speakers in Turkey
Psychological Guidance and Counseling for English Speakers in Turkey & World ONLİNE & FACE TO FACE Dr. Murat Artiran Licensed ClinicalRead More
Psychological Guidance and Counseling for English Speakers in Turkey & World ONLİNE & FACE TO FACE Dr. Murat Artiran Licensed ClinicalRead More
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(90) 541 939 7754
Research Project Invitation
Affiliated Center of Albert Ellis Institute Turkey has its own research group and inviting for researchers from other countries. If you have interest for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Self Determination Theory, Let’s do research projects together!
Murat Artiran, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Director of Affiliated Center of Albert Ellis Institute-Turkey
Contact us.
Rational Psychology
Affiliated Center of Albert Ellis Institute – Turkey
Ph: 0 212 327 0233
Cell Ph: (90) 0541 939 7754 (WhatsApp)
Skype: muratkaanny
(your e-mail will be responded within 24 hours)